Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Assignment 1a

1. What is your first name only (NOT last name)


2. Why are you taking this class and what do you hope to learn

I am taking this class because it is a part of my G.E. requirement. I hope to learn what this class actually is.

3. How far do you live from SRJC main campus (go to google, maps to get the SPECIFIC answer; for this you type in your address and 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, CA to find the exact mileage. EXAMPLE: 2.6 miles from campus. The goal here is to use new tools available to us. You can always come back to edit this)

30.0 miles from campus

4. What do you think of when you think "Latin America and the Caribbean"?

I think of great weather and interesting culture.

5. Have you created a blog or webpage in the past?

I have never created a blog of webpage in the past.