Monday, October 20, 2008

3b Maya Calendar

I was watching one of the videos from the youtube link about the Maya's and heard them say something about the accuracy of their calendar. I though it was really interesting how they knew everything we know today and it was so long ago. It has to do with the study of humanities because I am looking at the way they planned their days and how the people lived. It also shows me how things regarding the calendar haven't changed much over such a long period of time.

Observation: I see a depiction of a hard working man. He is in the middle of a circle and around him are figures that I can't really make out. The subject of this piece is the calendar for the working man, what days are good and which ones aren't. It looks like the work is made out of stone. It is carved out of a rock with simple lines but details figures. The figures are not very realistic looking. The artist used some sort of technique to make some areas darker and others not. For the most part it is a pretty simple piece.

Interpretation: This piece of art is about a man and his work schedule. I know that it is a calendar and the working man on it leads me to believe that it is his schedule on when will be the best time to get certain tasks done.

Judgement: I chose this work of art because I am interested in the Maya calendar and I wanted to know what it looked like. I feel that that this work was a very important thing for a working man to have in order to be successful. I feel this way because the Maya were a hard working people who relied heavily on their knowledge of their sense of time.

Questioning: I have an idea of what the work is depicting because I have done a little research on it. It is a calendar from the Maya's. I would like to know what this work is really depicting, I can only guess based on what little research I have done. I want to know how they came up with this calendar. Who was the artist to draw up the calendars and who decided how it would look?

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