Monday, December 15, 2008

Assignment 5c

1. MoLAA is the Museum of Latin American Art. It is a museum that allows for people to learn more about the Latin American culture. Through this semester I have learned a lot about the Latin American culture and the new knowledge has given me a better understanding of the art work being presented in the museum. I have learned about the different historical event through time that has influenced some pieces.

2. Title of artwork: Venezuela

Link for artwork:

How you came across this piece, how it connects to your study of humanities:
I came across this piece by looking at the MoLAA website. It relates to my study of humanities because it shows a map and the people.


I see some kind of map and people in all different directions. It is a really interesting piece that is kind of hard to interpret. It looks like a person is lost in a big city. The piece looks like it was done on canvas with paints. It is mainly composed of straight lines. It is a very flat piece, even the people are flat. There is not a lot of texture. The only variation is in the people. It is interesting because the background is very planned out and organized and then there are the people images. I like it because it is clean lines with a bit of chaos.

This artwork is about a man in different places in a big city. The background is very planned out and clean cut. Then there is an image of a man in three different positions. It looks like the same person. I particularly like the man image that looks like he is taking off.

I chose this work of art because it caught my eye. It is very different. I think this work is very interesting. This work makes me feel good because it shows the variety and vulnerability of a person. I feel this way because the person is shown in three different ways and he looks kind of lost.

I would like to know what the artist was really trying to portray. I would like to know when this work was done to get a better idea of its meaning. I want to know what the artist was thinking when he made it. since the work is so interesting, it makes you question what the artist was thinking and trying to portray.

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