Name: Zoe
She is a 22 year old Leo from Rohnert Park. She loves learning about different cultures and she wants to learn more about the Caribbean.
From her, I learned:
- Paulo Freire taught 300 sugarcane workers how to read and write in only 45 days in 1962
- Freire had an impact on the Black Consciousness Movement in South Africa by allowing them the idea of rejection towards the white monopoly on truth.
Second person looked at:
Name: Daniel
He is taking this class because it is a G.E. requirement and he also has an interest in the topic of the class. He lives exactly 2 miles from SRJC Santa Rosa campus.
From him, I learned:
- Freire says there is no incentive for the Oppressor to change or even want to change the status quo.
- Paulo’s belief that a teacher cannot simply pontificate a lesson to be effective but must engage and learn from his student as much as he/she teaches is in fact the most effective method.
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